Each morning the Four Seas school day begins with a chapel session in which the students and on-site faculty engage in a time of devotion to God. These chapel sessions not only allow the students and faculty an opportunity to begin their day with a focus on God, but also allow the male students to practice in various leadership roles including song leading, leading public prayer, Scripture reading, preparing and giving a chapel lesson, and making announcements. Some chapel lessons are given by faculty, some are given by alumni, and others are given by the male students. When the male students present the lesson they are critiqued by a faculty member to help them build on their lesson preparation and presentation skills.

The chapel sessions on Mondays and Fridays are special sessions known as “Singspiration.” These “Singspiration” sessions do not include a chapel lesson; instead, extra emphasis is placed on singing and song leading. Most of the male students have an opportunity to lead a song on these days.

Although we’ve recently had to miss a few weeks due to some illness at the school, our family has been blessed to be able to regularly attend the Friday chapel “Singspiration” sessions. We enjoy the opportunity to join in fellowship with the students during the time of praise to God. Most Fridays our boys, Troy, age 9, and Luke, age 6, also have the opportunity to lead a song during this session. We are incredibly thankful for that our family can support the school during these chapel sessions and that the students and faculty can likewise support our boys as we encourage them in future leadership within the church. Some of the boys favorite songs to lead include “This World is Not My Home,” “Seek Ye First,” “There’s a Great Day Coming,” and “Give Me the Bible.” Here’s a couple of clips of the boys each starting a song.