How big is Singapore?
Singapore is an island approximately 2/3 the size of New York City. Traveler’s Digest has some interesting graphics comparing Singapore to New York City, Los Angeles, London, and Hong Kong.
Approximately 5.6 million people live in Singapore.
What languages are spoken in Singapore?
There are four official languages in Singapore: English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. Additionally, many Singaporeans speak Singlish which is a creole language based in English.
In Singapore instruction in schools is conducted in English, resulting in a population that largely speaks English (approximately 80% of people residing in Singapore speak English fluently). Singaporeans are also required to study a second language at school. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for Singaporeans to speak a language other than English at home. Most Singaporeans are at least bilingual.
Instruction at the Four Seas College of Bible and Missions in conducted entirely in English.
What is the cost of living in Singapore?
Singapore consistently ranks as one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in. According to Forbes, Singapore is the most expensive city in the world, and costs approximately 16% more to live in than New York City. Nomad List estimates that a family of four should have an income of $7,200 or more per month.